
And now for an update……… January 2017

As you can see, I’ve been very quiet on the blogging front for over six months now but with the new year I am hoping to get back into regular posting.

While I’ve been away life has continued at it’s usual frantic pace, I am now working as a school cook, trying, and succeeding, to get rid of premade food and introducing homemade food with attitude but no additives and preservatives. It has been a learning curve but one that I am loving!

Unfortunately, my youngest son was diagnosed with coeliacs nearly nine months ago so I have had to ramp up my gluten free cooking but we are getting there.

Anyhoo, I am looking forward to another year of family cooking and hopefully you will find some recipes in here that you and yours can enjoy too!

Thanks for all of your support, Ros.


Hi Everyone.

I am a mum of three rapidly growing boys, wife of a busy husband and owner of a dog and three chooks. Oh, and as I type we have several tanks of tadpoles at various stages of development, the joys of boys in the house!

Life in my house can be rather chaotic, sporting commitments, after school commitments, social lives and work make me a little time poor on certain days of the week.

This has lead me to develop quick and easy fail safe recipes that fit in with our busy lives.

Just to mix it up a little I have coeliacs too so often what I cook is gluten free too, I am lazy, I don’t cook different dishes for different family members and that includes me!

I live in the Perth Hills in Western Australia, a truly beautiful corner of the world and a wonderful place to bring up children.

Before we settled here five years ago we lead an expat life, we have lived in the States, Indonesia and Russia and I was brought up in Scotland so we have fairly international tastes in our food and the boys have had their palates exposed to many of the worlds cuisines.

I hope to post new recipes every couple of days as time permits! So, pop by often to see what has been going on in my kitchen.




317 thoughts on “About”

  1. Just found your excellent blog after you liked my pumpkin spice tray bake recipe and am now following! I will recommend you to my son who is coeliac and has just left home so will be needing some good GF recipes for him and his lactose intolerant girlfriend.

    1. Thank you for the kind word Goodness Me Gluten Free! It can be a bit of a challenge for young folk being GF when they leave the support of home!!! Hopefully your son finds some recipes that suit him and his girlfriend on my blog 😀 Ros

  2. Hello! Thank you for your like on my Cranberry Orange Blossom Pie. Now, checking out your blog and LOVING it! Lots of great ideas for healthy and GF recipes. Have followed and will enjoy your lovely offerings!!

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your recipes look great and I am looking forward to trying some of them and sharing gluten free ideas.

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Feeding a hungry family!